Rise planet of the apes full movie
Rise planet of the apes full movie

He breathes so much personality into this ape and it's just truly something to wow at and the writers are very wise to really shift the story over from Will to Caesar as Caesar gets sent into an Ape refuge. Caesar is played by motion capture actor Andy Serkis (his second film as an ape, the other one being King Kong (2005)) brings so much to the table. He cannot talk and he is a computer made image and yet you really understand him, love him, and feel for him. The chimpanzee that becomes increased in intelligence is the true star of the film. But the best most drawn out character is the character of Caesar. And his boss is the classic wants the cure for money type of character. So a lot of us can really connect with him and in seeing he is making this cure for the best intentions. James Franco's character named Will Rodman really wants to make this cure so he can cure his father. But it is something truly wonderful to see how truly well fleshed out these characters are in this film especially for a "summer blockbuster." All character motivations are known throughout the film. I do think it needed to be just a tad longer in the beginning showing a little more of Caesar's childhood but it's a small fault and can be overlooked. From the trailers it looked like just another cure gone wrong and a lot of violence happens but I was truly surprised by this film's story and how well told it was.

rise planet of the apes full movie rise planet of the apes full movie

The very surprising thing about this film is how story based and character based it really is. This story is an origin story about how the Apes began to rise to power and about a man who is bent on curing Alzheimer's and raising an ape who has been past on the genes of the cure from his mother and what the effects this has on this one ape named Caesar. I am a big fan of the original and had fun with the sequels and even after Tim Burton's remake I was still excited for this film and I got to say this is the best Planet of the Apes picture since the original. I was very excited to finally see another Planet of the Apes film. There was a lot of hype going into this film.

Rise planet of the apes full movie